Аутори: Милутин Мићић, Ђорђе Антонијевић, Сања Милутиновић-Смиљанић, Дијана Тришић, Божана Чоловић, Дејана Kосановић, Богомир Прокић, Југослав Васић, Славољуб Живковић, Јелена Милашин, Весна Даниловић, Марија Ђурић и Вукоман Јокановић
The aim of this study was to develop novel hydroxyapatite (HAP)-based
bioactive bone replacement materials for segmental osteotomy reconstruction. Customized three-dimensional (3D) bone construct was manufactured from nanohydroxyapatite (nHAP) with poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) coating using 3D models derived from the computed tomography (CT) scanning of the rabbit’s ulna and gradient 3D printing of the bone substitute mimicking the anatomical shape of the natural bone defect. Engineered construct revealed adequate micro-architectural design for successful bone regeneration having a total porosity of 64% and an average pore size of 256 ❍m. Radiography and micro-CT analysis depicted new bone apposition through the whole length of the reconstructed ulna with a small area of non-resorbed construct in the central area of defect.
Histological analysis revealed new bone formation with both endochondral and endesmal type of ossification. Immunohistochemistry analysis depicted the presence of bone formation indicators – bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), osteocalcin (OCN) and osteopontin (OPN) within newly formed bone. Manufactured personalized construct acts as a “smart” responsive biomaterial capable of modulating the functionality and potential for the personalized bone reconstruction on a clinically relevant length scale.

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