World trends from 2022

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1 min read

This paper, divided in three chapters of uneven length, analyses the world trends in near future. Forecasting major processes at the global scale is a key task of the IR discipline. Author asks the question whether current world order restructuring is causing the outbreak of the new World War. In order to answer the question, he first underlines importance of forecasting, and explains what the world war is. Author claims that approach according to which it is required to have theoretical background in order to make scientific prediction is erroneous. The closest there is to objective framework is according to the author, to employ Italian neoclassical geopolitical school. In the article, author questions international and national, societal, political and only briefly economic trends in the collective West and in the Middle East. He presents the reasons why BRICS, or the East and South are growing and leading the change in major power redistribution in the framework of the new multipolar world order.

Рад израдио: Слободан Јанковић

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